Sunday, 15 August 2010

Travel Tips for Thailand

While in a foreign country a tourist might feel lost and confused. A trip to Thailand can also mean the same and so the travel tips for Thailand often prove to be handy. The travel tips for Thailand give you an insight into the country, inform you about the customs and traditions, and most importantly, give you a fairly good idea to handle the tricky situations. So if you too are planning to go to Thailand, the travel tips for Thailand will surely help you.

Language The first and foremost tip that we can offer is that you learn some amount of Thai before going to Thailand. Though English can be understood in many parts of Thailand, you can just acquaint yourself with a few basic words. The greetings, directions, numbers and other important details can be learnt. However if you can't at all manage to learn Thai, don't worry. Just carry a pocket translation book and head to Thailand!

Manners The Thai folk are extremely polite and well mannered. As a result, they also expect a certain amount of decency from their visitors. So never touch an elder on the head, refrain from putting your leg up on a chair, be well dressed at all times and avoid blowing your nose in public. These are a few of the many things the Thai appreciate.

Royalty The people of Thailand are extremely fond of the royal family and give them the highest regard. So never, even by mistake joke about or demean royalty. The Thai can not accept this and it can lead to many a bitter encounters. Respect the royal family and be loved by all.

Apart from the afore mentioned travel tips for Thailand, make sure take care of the general chores likes reservation, money exchange and flight bookings. A well organized trip is always a lot better. Happy journey!

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