Survival Chinese Card | English | Chinese Pronunciation | Greeting | Hello! | Ni Hao! | Good morning! | Zao Shang Hao! | Good afternoon! | Xia Wu Hao! | Good evening! | Wan Shang Hao! | Good night! | Wan An! | Sorry. | Dui Bu Qi (or Bao Qian). | Excuse me (or us) | Lao Jia (or Qing Yuan Liang). | Thank you! | Xie Xie! | Very Good! | Hen Hao! | Good-Bye! | Zai Jian! | Introduction | My name is David. | Wo Jiao David. | I am from America (Canada or UK). | Wo Cong Mei Guo (Jia Na Da or Ying Guo) Lai. | Ask for Assistance | I get lost. Please help? | Wo Mi Lu Le, Qing Bang Zhu? | Do you speak English? | Ni Jiang Ying Yu Ma? | I want to go to hotel. | Wo Yao Qu Jiu Dian. | This is the address. | Zhe Shi Di Zhi. | Where can I find washroom? | Nar You Ce Suo? | Where is the entrance? | Ru Kou Zai Na Li? | Where is the exit. | Chu Kou Zai Na Li? | Where can I find a telephone | Nar You Dian Hua? | I am hungry (thirsty or tired) | Wo Er (Ke, Lei) Le. | Shopping | How much? | Duo Shao Qian? | Too Expensive. | Tai Gui La. | I don't want this one. | Wo Bu Yao Zhe Ge. | Do you have anything cheaper? | You Pian Yi De Ma? | This one is very beautiful | Zhe Ge Hen Piao Liang. | This one is too big (or small). | Zhe Ge Tai Da (Xiao). | Direction | East, West, South, North | Dong, Xi, Nan, Bei. | Color | Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Black, White. | Hong, Lu, Huang, Lan, Hei, Bai. | Size, Weight & Measure | Big, Small | Da, Xiao | Heavy, Light | Zhong, Qing | Long, Short | Chang, Duan | Download this and print (PDF format). | |
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