Saturday, 21 August 2010

Baggage Allowance, Packing & Checklist when travel china

The rule of thumb is to pack lightly, and bring casual clothes. A sturdy, comfortable pair of walking shoes is an absolute. A sports coat and a nice shirt for man, and one or two dresses or pantsuits for women will suit the most formal occasions to be encountered in China. Travelers should bring shirts, sweaters and jackets that can be worn in layers to suit a range of climates. Shorts (for both men and women) are fine for summer days though not recommended when visiting religious shrines. Remember, dress for Comfort, not for Style.


  • Electrical converter and adapter plugs. China’s electrical system operates at 220 volts.
  • Hair dryer, razor, alarm clock.
  • Common toiletries, cold and digestive medications, lip balm, sanitary napkins and any over-the-counter medicines you generally use.
  • Chewing gum, mints or throat lozenges to keep your mouth moist.
  • Reading materials, including a guidebook on the places you will see.
  • Sunscreen lotion and sunglasses.
  • A light raincoat or an umbrella except in winter months.
  • Camera & film. Be aware that while print film is available in most places, slide film may be difficult to find. And be sure to pack extra batteries.
  • A notebook to keep track of all the exciting things happening on the trip.

aggage Limits on Flights
For China domestic flights, you are allowed to check one piece of luggage. The limitation is 5 Kilograms (around 11 pounds) total. A fee may be imposed for extra piece or excessive weight. You can also take one hand carry-on plus a backpack or tote bag, all of which should fit in the overhead compartment or under your seat.

Carry-on Baggage Limited to 5 Kilograms
Chinabroadcast June 25, 2004 - Carry on luggage on domestic flights in China is being restricted to five kilograms per person. A regulation on passenger's luggage, released by China's Civil Aviation, will come into effect next month. Baggage coming in over-weight should be checked through in the hold. Passengers taking flights in first-class will be allowed to carry up to two personal belongings, while those in business and economy-class only can bring one piece of luggage with them. The size is also restricted to specific dimensions, meaning each passenger can bring 4.4 cubic meters of essential bits and pieces for powdering their nose during the flight.

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